A mental health counselor is a trained professional skilled in the act of psychotherapy that is also known as Mental Health Counseling.
A mental health counselor develops a relationship between himself or herself and the client. The basis for this relationship is strictly professional and targeted towards ensuring the individual achieves a clean bill of health.
In addition, a mental health counselor employs the use of clinical techniques and research in order to make it very effective.
People who have mental health problems usually find it difficult to accept the fact that they have a problem. So, they would necessarily shy away from it whenever related concepts are mentioned. There is a stigma that comes with having mental health problems and they do not want to be victims of it.
So, to help themselves, they would try to manage their problems without involving anyone. The only person that can help them in this case is a mental health counselor.

What makes a counselor different from any other person? It is the fact that they are professionals who put sentiments and prejudice aside when interacting with a patient.
Mental health counselors are aware of the rejection that people face whenever they face mental health issues. So, it is in their jurisdiction of work to help people deal with this rejection and channel the hate into something productive.
Also, a mental health counselor provides ample support even more than what you imagine. He or she is aware that you might not be getting the needed support from family and friends. So, what he does is fill in for them, till he or she is able to mend the gap between you and your family.
It would interest you to know that, a mental health counselor keeps in touch with you all through the period of your addiction treatment.
Even when you get out of therapy, the counselor still monitors you to ensure that you do not relapse. With the ample life skills that a counselor provides an individual, they would be able to care for their mental health on their own.